"Lama, Jim L'Hommedieu" wrote:
> Yeah, he's good at being "anti".  Where was his anger when the Kurds were
> getting gassed?  Not a peep.  Oh, yeah, he was lecturing GM about bringing
> jobs back to Flint, Michigan.  Because, like, he grew up there, so nothing
> should ever change, and, like, GM owes everyone a job for, like, life, okay?
> Because, like, that's the way it was during his grandfather's day, okay?  If
> we just return to the old ways, everything would be jake again.

That documentary was about a lot more than nostalgia. He showed a long
time ago some of the devastating effects of what's now called
globalization, things we're hearing about now in many different ways.

> To me, he's simplistic, bordering on infantile.  He has no solutions.  He
> doesn't even debate.  He's a whiner with a budget.

He's an activist who happens to be an artist also, and like all
activists he aims to be annoying enough to get people's attention and
open some eyes. That's what activists do. And then the open-eyed people
can take it from there...

> PS, I kind torn here.  Last week I was replying to people off list but I'm
> kinda intimidated, Debra.  Should I keep this stuff on-list or can I take it
> off-list if I promise to act like a gentleman?

Jim, I've no doubt about your gentlemanliness, and we've exchanged some
friendly emails in the past I think. So, your comment has me confused
beyond the "what, me, intimidating?" aspect. You want to argue off-list
about Michael Moore? I don't want to argue about him anywhere. I like
him, you don't. His "job" is to expose truth, as he sees it (and which I
generally agree with), and people being annoyed with him is a sign he's
doing his job well. So there's nothing to argue about, is there? 

Debra Shea

P.S. Michael Moore's website is http://www.michaelmoore.com/
He's really annoying there! Every day!

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