
> No matter how awful someone's life was/is, the raping and drugging of a
> child(if true) is NOT excusable or defendable. Unacceptable bahaviour is
> unacceptable no matter what.

I also take a hard line on this one.  The victim gave a number of interviews
a few months ago since it was the 25th anniversary of the event and I
suppose because Polanski came into view again with the movie.  She wants to
put it behind her at this point.  It was true what he did but at the time
she and her mother were accused of lying and just out to make money.  He did
admit it at the time as part of a plea bargain. Here are parts from one of
the recent interviews from ABCNews:

"Polanski pleaded guilty to unlawful sexual intercourse as part of a plea
agreement and he went to jail for a short time in order to undergo
psychiatric evaluation.

When Polanksi realized the judge intended to sentence him to more time
behind bars, he fled to France."

For years Polanski insisted Geimer had agreed to everything that happened
that day, but several years ago he softened his tone in an interview with

"I know now it was, it was not the right thing to do," he said in a 1994
interview with ABCNEWS' Diane Sawyer. "But I was, there was no
premeditation, you know, it was something that just happened."

The article I read recently had excerpts from the formerly sealed court
transcripts and I did not recall all this detail back in 1977.  Reading it
now has an impact and seeing the wild cheering at the Oscars really appalled
me.  I don't know what the group should have done at the Oscars.  I'm not
saying they should have booed him or sat on their hands, but I think they
took it just a bit over the top to the point of repulsiveness IMO.


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