Hey All Time for me to Open My Mouth Here ...

I am an admirer of Polanski's work, also as someone else mentioned, after seeing "the 
Tenant"  at
a very young age.  I am not a rabid fan however.   That said his actions - at his age 
at that time
were totally inexcusable.  Its not a matter of making a vague judgement.  He was a 
pig.  Dont even
get me started on where a poor woman would be if she had comitted this sort of crime - 
does a
certain imprisoned teacher come to mind - hmmm?  Also what about ANY person of color.  

And he is making money on his art in the country where he is a felon.  I believe we 
should freeze
any profits and pass them along to rape, incest and any other sexual victims & or their
organizations.  If he really is the successful artiste - he will make enough in other 
markets to
survive.  Hey I plan to see the movie but I cant believe the soft attiudes here about 
rape and
with a minor and the drugging of said minor.  I am shocked. Victor I know you to be a 
man of peace
and impeccable respect for women, this is not about judgeing.  Nor am I meaning to 
pick out just
your post here for any sort of attack. He did it it's pure and simple truth, he should 
have to
face some sort of consequence. 

If he has this potential to realize his goodness - I wonder exactly when he will - on 
his death
bed!?  How about now, by either donating his profits or coming in to face the music.  
Or by
sponsoring some young women filmakers in the industry.  There would seem to be a lot 
of painless
ways to handle this.  Perhaps I could forgive him - if he paid off my credit card 
debt.  Now
there's a good cause!

OKay all done now.


--- Victor Johnson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
...Roman Polanski probably used bad judgement in this case
> and I haven't seen "The Pianist" but if he was able to produce a great work
> of art and overcome whatever shortcomings he possesses(none of us are
> perfect) then I think there's all the more reason to applaud for him.
> Everyone has their demons they face...but I think everyone has the
> potential to do good and the goodness to realize their potential.
> There are no tabloids in Whole Foods and I find it so incredibly refreshing.
> Victor
> NP: The Neal Boortz show
> --- Victor Johnson
> Visit http://www.cdbaby.com/victorjohnson
> Look for the new album, Parsonage Lane, coming this spring!
> Produced by Chris Rosser at Hollow Reed Studios
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