Victor wrote:

> Roman Polanski probably used bad judgement in this case and I haven't
> seen "The Pianist" but if he was able to produce a great work of art
> and overcome whatever shortcomings he possesses(none of us are
> perfect) then I think there's all the more reason to applaud for him.

WARNING - this is going to come on strong and may alter your opinion of 

I try to be a liberal thinker, I really do.  However, there is at least 
one place where I draw a line that I will not alter or erase:  sexual 
abuse of children.  I honest-to-god believe that people who have 
committed (note that I haven't said "convicted") child sexual abuse 
should be SHOT, and I will volunteer for that job if someone will just 
let me do it.  I'll bring my own gun and supply my own ammunition.

Yes, this includes Roman Polanski.  I don't care if he's a "great 
artist."  We've surely missed out on a lot of great art because people, 
for whatever reason, weren't able to reach their potential.

I would happily give up "The Pianist" (which I haven't seen and will 
not see) to see Polanski where he belongs, even though he's been "able 
to ... overcome whatever shortcomings he possesses."  Sorry, but I 
can't applaud somebody like him.

whose therapist says she has an "issue" with pedophiles (no shit)

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