Lori Fye wrote:

I try to be a liberal thinker, I really do. However, there is at least one place where I draw a line that I will not alter or erase: sexual abuse of children. I honest-to-god believe that people who have committed (note that I haven't said "convicted") child sexual abuse should be SHOT, and I will volunteer for that job if someone will just let me do it. I'll bring my own gun and supply my own ammunition.

i undertsand your rage completely Lori. however, the solution you suggest would just victimise the victims all over again. it would make them afraid to tell, which is hard enough as it is, would add even more guilt and fear. why burden them with even more pain and guilt?
Imagine how it would feel to a child to know that the person who absued them was killed for it. Try not to think of it from a na adult point of view.

Apart from which, the VAST MAJORITY of child abusers are FAMILY, and PARENTS. Imagine having your father/mother excecuted for raping/molesting you? What an intolerable burden that would be heaped on top of an already intolerable burden.


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