On Sat, 9 Aug 2008, Frederik Ramm wrote:

> Dirk's suggestion sounds not too bad. If we manage to educate our users
> a bit ("after a failed/cancelled upload, make sure to re-download the
> area from the server before re-attempting the upload") then the problem

When reuploading:
"Warning. There is a upload in unknown state. Redownload area to verify." 

> can be solved just as Dirk said; if a new node is downloaded from the
> server at the exact place where we have a node that is tagged "uploaded
> but to confirmation received" then we assume that our node has in fact
> been uploaded and merge it with the one we've got.
> But this is a lot of work for a rare case, only do this if you really
> think it's necessary ;-)

Probably true.

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