Dirk Stöcker schrieb:
> On Sat, 9 Aug 2008, Frederik Ramm wrote:
>> Dirk's suggestion sounds not too bad. If we manage to educate our users
>> a bit ("after a failed/cancelled upload, make sure to re-download the
>> area from the server before re-attempting the upload") then the problem
> When reuploading:
> "Warning. There is a upload in unknown state. Redownload area to verify." 
> :-)

I think my first to suggestions were at least for quite a number of 
cases a good fix. I just tried it out and at least I could not force 
josm with user interaction to upload a node twice.

In OsmServerWriter.java : commented out "private boolean cancel;" so the 
inherited variable will be used (which by the way gets set)
In OsmConnection.java: in "public void cancel ()" changed the timeouts 
from 1 to 100 and let the thread sleep for 100ms before disconnecting.

I hope ticket #263 can be closed with that (would have inserted in the 
svn, but apparently i have no access :-) ).

Regards, Florian.

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