On Fri, 13 Feb 2009, D Tucny wrote:

> I've been adding house/building/street numbers quite a bit recently, and
> something that's been frustrating me a bit has been autocompletion... For
> some things, such as keys and fixed values, autocompletion is nice, but
> especially for numbers, it can be a pain... My work flow is this, add node,
> click add property, type ad, autocompletes to addr:housenumber, tab to value
> box, type number, hit enter... Quite quick to do, and with house numbers
> there's a lot of them, so, speed is good... but... a problem I had at the
> start of entering house numbers, and one that's still cropping up at times
> is that the number gets auto completed... the result is that when I'm adding
> numbers, such as 11, 13, 15, I end up with 11, 132 and 154 due to the fact
> that 132 and 154 exist on another street somewhere... It's getting to be
> less of a problem as there are more numbers in the area, i.e. once 13 and 15
> are in, it won't try to autocomplete subsequent 13s and 15s to longer
> numbers, but, it's still catching me out at times, especially if I've
> grabbed a different area...

>From my point of view I will not again touch that code! Last time it 
took me 5 long days to get it working again after a minor fix. We could 
add a no-autocompletion-at-all option but I don't think this is what you 

Maybe you should press "DELETE" at the end of entering addresses, as this 
will remove the auto-complete text in any case and does no harm if there 
is none.

> 1) The ability to restrict autocompletion to tags only or tags and a list of
> tags where the value can be autocompleted, or inversely, where the value
> shouldn't be autocompleted... Not sure how simple that would be to
> implement... Then autocompletion of addr:housenumber could be disabled...

You may enter that as a trac ticket but as said I will be very restrictive 
regarding implementations. AutoCompletion is very tricky and the current 
variant is a compromise between different aspects which seems to work 

> 3) The ability to assign keyboard shortcuts to preset items, right now it
> doesn't look like they can be assigned shortcuts in the shortcuts prefs, it
> could be useful if they could be as the keyboard access to a specific preset
> could be shortened beyond what's proposed in 2 if you need access to a
> certain preset often...

Make that a trac ticket as well but change from "assign keyboard shortcuts 
to preset items" to "assign keyboard shortcuts to actions without 

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