On Mon, Sep 14, 2009 at 11:14 PM, Frederik Ramm <frede...@remote.org> wrote:
> MOTD says:
> "JOSM now supports keeping multiple changesets open simultaneously on
> the server. If you want to change something you notice while making an
> unrelated change you can now tag that change correctly."
> Could whoever wrote that please re-write it so that normal users can
> understand it? Not even I understand what this is supposed to mean.
> Maybe link to a Wiki page that explains why this feature is useful, and
> how it is supposed to be used?

I wrote that. I thought that the JOSM MOTD was way too cryptic for
normal users with comments like "Nice mouse pointer icons in delete
mode as well.". I see that my best-faith efforts to write
understandable changelogs have fallen somewhat short of the mark

And perhaps not, I don't think you classify as a normal user :)

When you keep a changeset open on the server and keep uploading to it
you're essentially pushing things to a stack you can't pop things off

Multiple changesets means that you can have multiple stacks at a time.

Changesets are from a user perspective just a handy feature to group
related edits together. Having multple changesets open at the same
time means that you can tagg your edits with greater granularity.

For instance I may be making some multi-hour edit where I'm tracing
lakes from landsat imagery. If I come across something else in the
process of doing so, like a way that's not connected to another way I
can open another changeset for that minor fix without contaminating my
giant "Trace from landsat" edit with non-landsat related edits.

So that's what the feature gives you. Now someone just has to explain
all that in a paragraph or so, or turn my ramblings into a
documentation page.

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