Karl Guggisberg <karl.guggisb...@guggis.ch> writes:

> Hi,
>> To make even better use of that functionality it could be helpful to have
> a command "Upload Selection".  
>> This of course would need to take care to upload everything the selected
> objects depend upon.
> You should be able to do that already. Merge the current selection onto an
> empty data layer (create an empty layer
> first, then select "Merge selection" from menu, then select the empty layer
> in the popup), activate the new layer, upload. 
> Merge selection should already take care of dependencies.

Yes, but that leaves the uploaded objects marked as modified in the
base layer.  I guess when you then try to upload that you will get a
bunch of conflicts.  Also, there is no way of merging deleted objects.

You could merge those objects before changing them.  After uploading
you can then update the base layer.  That is probably the lesser of
two evils.

To have the possibility of uploading selected objects makes things
quite a bit easier for users.


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