> Can anyone suggest some solutions or provide me with an appropriate  
> binary of webkit-image?


here is a link to a webkit-image.c file. You can compile it.
I had a lot of trouble until WMS worked in debian testing. 

this was the first working example, but it was very slow:

mkdir -p ~/src/webkit-image
cd ~/src/webkit-image
wget -nd
moc-qt4 webkit-image.cpp > webkit-image.h
g++ -o webkit-image -O2 $(pkg-config --libs --cflags QtGui QtWebKit)
sudo cp webkit-image /usr/local/bin

There are different solutions in the osm-wiki but not all seem to work.
Some still work, but very very slow. 

I think it depends on the system you run. It would be great if someone
who understands the WMS hack could tidy up the WMSPlugin page.

Although the best solution would be to include a downloader into the
plugin or include a self-test function.

You can use the error Messages from Console to locate problems.

Good luck,

Jonas Stein <n...@jonasstein.de>

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