On Wed, May 5, 2010 at 12:58 PM, Jonas Stein <n...@jonasstein.de> wrote:

> >> Although the best solution would be to include a downloader into the
> >> plugin or include a self-test function.
> > We can't include a downloader in the plugin except someone writes a Java
> > software to do so.
> I am not very familiar with java, but isn't there a standard lib for
> things like "download"?
> I tried to write a shell script, that downloads the URL given on
> command line like wget, but that did not work. Does webkit more?
> Btw: there is a link to a webkit.c file in the wiki. That did not
> compile on debian testing. Plenty of missing libs and errors. I tried to
> fix them manually, but gave up after a while.
please check my deb packages, if there are any errors, let me know

here is the debian package

the line "deb http://osm.komzpa.net/~mdupont/osm/
<http://osm.komzpa.net/%7Emdupont/osm/> gjergi-osm main" you
add to your /etc/apt/source.list

apt-get install webkitimageqt

should work.

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