On Fri, 30 Apr 2010, Ramey wrote:

> I'd like to use JOSM, but the lack of Yahoo imagery is a showstopper.
> I have a MacBook Pro running 10.6.3, JOSM v 3208, and the WMS plugin.
> Everything appears to work fine, except imagery from sources prefixed
> with html: before the URL.
> I've tried downloading the prebuilt binary of the webkit-image, and
> putting it in my $PATH.  This didn't work.  The failure is always the
> red tile with Exception occured written on it.
> I've tried to build the source, but the first attempt with the sdk
> from trolltech failed with dependency and architecture issues.  I then
> tried using the MacPorts version of qt, but the build locked up (my
> processors maxed out for about 45 minutes before I gave up.)
> I posted this on newbies a couple days ago, but got no responses, so
> now I'm trying here.
> Can anyone suggest some solutions or provide me with an appropriate
> binary of webkit-image?

You must be much more verbose. It does not work is not a helpful 

Did you test to download a webpage using the downloaded version of 
webkit-image. Does this work? If not what are the error messages. What 
dependency problems do you have with qt, ...

http://www.dstoecker.eu/ (PGP key available)

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