2011/3/4 Dirk Stöcker <openstreet...@dstoecker.de>:
> Validator has been tuned a lot in the last months to reach a proper balance
> between warnings and useful output. All your posts in the last weeks show
> that you don't follow the JOSM develop close enough to have a good judgment
> on these issues. So before blaming all and everything start to get more in
> touch with the recent code base and when necessary file bug reports where
> fine tuning is needed.

This is all true, and it really is a very useful piece of JOSM, no
doubt. That's why we should try to get rid of warnings that are no
errors, because if there are too many warnings people will simply
ignore all of them (I guess you already know this and see it the same
way). Of course it is not possible that the validator understands
every possible situation on earth which might be mapped correctly.

In this case he would have to know that the barrier=fence is a linear
feature and not describing the area.

Another issue where I get warnings are "overlapping areas" (which is
not using a multipolygon for adjacent areas, so their ways are partly
overlapping). Personally I ignore them but I know of quite some
situations where other mappers disconnected areas because of this
(also pedestrian areas mapped as squares which connected to a road). I
think that this is not a warning that should be turned on by default,
because validator can't know about the topology, and always using a
multipolygon when 2 areas are touching (to reuse this part of the way)
is overkill.


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