On 03/04/2011 10:57 PM, Frederik Ramm wrote:
To understand the severity of this, take this example: You are new to
JOSM. You map a road and tag it highway=road. You hit upload. You get
(emphasis by me):

Data WITH ERRORS. Upload anyway?
+ Warnings
   + ILLEGAL tag/value combinations - temporary highway type

So, highway=road is an error, and an illegal combination of a tag and
value? Thankfully it doesn't complain when I write highway=raod. Maybe I
should use highway=raod instead of highway=road as the latter is clearly
illegal and an error.

I think the main problem is that the validator is now by default enabled
before download - something you can switch off, of course, but to the
new mapper the "Your data has errors" message conveys: We don't want
your data, please stop what you're doing!

I agree with this, validator should NOT start automaticaly with JOSM.
It shoud have a option to start it when you want.
We lost some new OSM mappers because of this.
Validator was making them angry with its constant warnings, street without names, ... and so on, and they stopped mapping. So please tune(tune, not turn) the validator down, or write extensive manual about all the possible error combinations it reports, and what to do...
We who use it for years know what to do, but new useras are confused.

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