On Sat, 5 Mar 2011, Frederik Ramm wrote:

 If I judge this issue based on the ticket reports we get, than we have
 only minor problems with this. And half of the reports ask to add
 additional checks and not to remove some.

That's because you have created a perfect user nannying environment and people react to that. It's an interesting challenge. Once you see that the validator will complain about certain things in a multipolygon relation but not about others, you immediately think: "Oh well it should actually also complain about this, and that. And if someone does that together with that we should warn them too. And..."

This is actually irrelevant. The Trac bug report system only catches these people who are willing to report anyway. So the absolute count does not say a lot (only compared to other reports), but the type of reports we get is a useful measure.

I'm 100% sure that the people who ask for more checks are *not* those who say: This error always happens to me and I'd really be happy if the editor could tell me.

Well - Actually here you are wrong. One example is a person who wants the coastline checks moved from OTHER to WARN level, as it still happens often that coasts are destroyed.

These are the people who say "I really think the others should be told to map like I do."

Very likely also this kind exists, but we aren't forced to agree to their request.

 So a note to these of you trying to convince me that we have a major
 problem with validator: This opinion does not match the statistical data
 that we have. Especially as validator had >80% installation count even
 before it moved into core.

I'm not sure these statistics can be applied the way you apply them. How did you measure installation count? How many of those were auto-installed through

I cannot measure installation count.

the Windows installer which AFAIK bundled the validator with JOSM? At that

Yes. Sure. And exactly this invalidates the opinion that moving validator into core changed the situation. Effectively it has been a de-facto core component for a long time now.

time, was the validator already set to validate before uploading by default?

This is default as long as I'm involved in JOSM development.

How has the number and extend of checks be changed between then and now? Etc.

The number of tests has been increased. The number of tests the users sees in default settings has been decreased a lot.

Whether you and others like it or not - The opinion expressed on mailinglists like this (and talk-de and others) is not equal to the real-world. Thus I do not base my judgment on these discussions, but I try to find better data. And if that data shows me a totally different view, then I'm very sceptical.

Software users aren't that dumb as most want to tell me. They are usually much more flexible that most of you seem to assume.

P.S. That doesn't mean there shouldn't be improvements in this area.

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