Dear Friends,

I would to share the powerful experience of the love of God.


In 1997 January I went to Divine Retreat Centre as a shattered person with 
two big problems praying to Lord Jesus to stop my dad drinking and solve a 
big court case problem.  My dad started drinking day and night due to this 
severe court case problem.  There when I was praying I promised Lord Jesus 
when these problems are solved I will  come back to Divine and give 
testimony to Glorify God.

We kept on praising God for these problems. In the month of November my 
younger brother Joseph met with an accident.  The scan report showed that he 
had multiple fractures in the skull and pieces of the skull had gone to his 
brain and he had very big hemorrhage in the brain,  the jaws and check bones 
were locked and a plastic surgery to be done for him to open his mouth and 
to take solid food.  Brain surgery would be of no use to save his life.  
When we heard this report we just praised and thanked Lord Jesus for this 
problem and said Rosary after Rosary for my brother to be filled with the 
Holy Spirit.

(Romans 8:28) We know that in all things God works for good with those who 
love him, those whom he has called according to his purpose. That night when 
my dad who came to know the serious condition of my brother with tears 
repented and promised God that he will never take alcohol.  The very next 
day mighty miracles started taking place.  My brothers breathing became 
normal and they removed the ventilator.  The plastic surgery was done in 
such a serious condition and the surgery was successful.  Praise the Lord.  
Then my brother started getting serious headache and neuro surgeon suggested 
for second scan.  The second scan showed the mighty power of our Lord Jesus 
Christ.  The neuro surgeon said that before they started the treatment the 
clot in the brain started melting by itself and this was a miracle.  Praise 
and Thank you Abba Father, Lord Jesus Christ and Holy Spirit Lord. Very soon 
my brother started recovering  and started doing normal things as he did 
before and the doctors gave the report as uneventful recovery.  At this time 
all that i expected from Lord Jesus Christ is to only save my brothers life 
but it we praise our mighty God who made my dad give up not only drinking 
but also smoking.  All praise to the Lord Jesus Christ.

We were in need of large sum of money for his treatment and when cried out 
to Lord Jesus for this problem, our friends without we asking them for help 
came and helped us.  The hospital bill was made by Lord Jesus the amount 
that we could afford and paid the hospital bill the amount that we expected 
without difficulty and doctor who did the surgery reduced the bill very 
much.  All praise and thanks to Lord Jesus.

This year in the month of  January the court case fizzled out and on May 4, 
2001 I went to Divine Retreat Centre for thanks giving retreat and gave my 
testimony as I promised the Lord.


Fatima Sharmila

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