Just kidding!

Hi. Now that I have your attention - please read the email below, it should clear some 

Jesus Youth has now become a group of fishermen! HA aha ha. The Good Ol' times! Just 
as Jesus spent time with his fishermen friends, here we have carried on this tradition 
- unknowingly. Things have got High-tech... but we're basically doing the same things.

Well, we have a lot of "NETS".... and we get all sorts of surprizes from each "Net"... 
I'm just rehashing what Mathew has given us below:

  "Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have 
received it, and it will  be yours..." -- Mark 11:24


 ** Prayer Requests
 ** Thanks Givings

This net is used for sending prayer requests. You may be having some problems, or 
maybe you want to pray for someone, maybe you or your friend is having a tough time... 
whatever the case - if it involves prayer, then the "Prayer" Net is the id to 
remember. We have a group of fishermen (and women) who collect all these prayer 
requests and well,... pray.

And after all that crying and sobbing for God to fulfill your wish... these fishermen 
would liked to get paid for their service (although they won't ask) - just say THANKS 
to the Lord...

  "I will rejoice in the Lord, I will be JOYFUL in God my Savior..." -- Habakkuk 3:18


 ** Discussions
 ** Doubt Clearing
 ** Personal Sharings
 ** Testimonies
 ** Jesus Youth News
 ** Birthday Announcements
 ** Notifications
 ** Anything worth reading

This is your territory. Everyone and anyone is here... This is where it all started. 
Your sharings, your love, your stories, your news,... even your Birthday! This is the 
fun place to be! That's why we call it JOY! This is the most active Net, where we 
catch every single soul... you've probably noticed that we are bringing in more fish 
(eh... I mean friends) each day.

  "With many similar parables Jesus spoke the word to them, as much as they could 
understand..." -- Mark 4:33


 ** Bible Studies from other web sites
 ** ODB (Our Daily Bread)
 ** Vitamins for the Soul
 ** Word of encouragements
 ** MUfHH (My Utmost for His Highest)
 ** and tons of Inspirational Parables, Stories, Poems, (jokes?... well it might be a 
good idea!)

And if all the activity in "JOY" Net wasn't enough... we have a special net for those 
who wish to spend their time in reflection with parables and stories and a whole catch 
of other stuff... This is where you can eat to your delight (bread or fish, or 
vitamins - people are health conscious nowadays!). It's where alot goes into you... 
more a bit one-way... but all this is surely having an effect on you. Besides you are 
what you eat!

Now that you have an idea of how we catch fish! Let's go Fish!

  Praise God!

with love n prayers

Rules of the Sea:

To get caught (subscribe) in the last two Nets send an email to:


To get out of (unsubscribe) the last two Nets send an email to:


To join the fishermen (prayer warriors) of PrayerNet please contact our Web Sailor 
Giju at [EMAIL PROTECTED] (BTW The Web Captain is Jesus!)


For further doubts,... please shout HELP Mathew!

Jose Paul Martin, Bahrain
)))Jesus Never Fails !(((

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