Dear Jesus Youth,
The great jy conference, jy 2001 is fast approaching.
One major thing planned along with the conferece is one month cultural
exchange program for youth in which rural / tribal youth from all the
states of the country are invited to come to kerala and to live with the

youth in kreala (JY).
Can you do any or all of the following.

  1. Pray for the success of this missionary initiative.
  2. Arrange the coming of youth from the dio's outside Kerala
  3. Influence the people who can arrange the coming of such youth. ( Do

     you have some friends or priests, sisters who can arrange the
     coming of youth)
  4. Meet the Bishop , youth director of the diocese, Provicials  and
     other responsible people and impress them about the importance etc.

  5. Any other thing which is appropriate in this case

The details of the program can be sent to you separately.
All those who are interested in assosiating with this endevour, please
write to me.
Your immediate help is needed.
Already letters and details are sent to all the Bishops etc.
All the expenses of the participants after reaching kerala will be met
by the organisers.

Chackochan Njavallil. Kerala

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