Dear friends in Jesus
I met a saint inside the jungle
I went  yesterday to a village inside the forest. I
was visiting them for the first time. After the Holy
Mass, a lady came and told me that there is an old man
in a nearby house and If we could visit him he would
be only happy. I agreed and we all went to that house.
When we reached there the old man was simply sitting
on his bed. He was very very old and was blind.
Entering into his room,I asked him (in
Castellano):"what are you doing here,old man?" He
replied immediately:" I am dreaming". "What are you
dreaming about?" I again asked." I dreamt that a
priest was coming to me". I was surprised to hear this
answer. How did he know that I was there? Then he
asked us: " well, who are you?". Then the leader of
the village said: " the whole village is here to visit
you". " there a priest among you?" he asked.
Then I replied :" Yes, grandfather, I am a priest".
Then, in a loud voice he said:"thank God; I want to
make my confession. I am about to die. I want to ask
God pardon for all that I did against his will". He
recieved the sacrament and when he came to know that I
also brought him the Holy Communion he was immensly
happy. When he recieved Jesus, with all the emotions
of love on his face, and with real conviction, said:"
Jesus, I am not worthy that you come into my house..."
Dear friends, please pray that the Lord may send here
more missionaries to people like that old man who
really thurst for Jesus
God Bless You
Fr. Rafi                       
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