My dear friends in Jesus
Greetings from Ecuador !
Now it is 1 AM midnight. I am just back from washing
my clothes. Now here the mission is too tight that we
have to wash at midnight !!
But what a wonderful thing it is to be a missionary !!
As I could not post mails for a few months I have many
things to share with you.
But I am tempted to narrate now a small  scene that
occurred a few hours before.
A lady came to my parroquial office to give the name
her child for the Sacrament of Baptism. The child who
is 5 years of old was also with her. As I was noting
down the details, I asked the mother what was the name
of the father. And the lady replied: "He has no
father". The child who was silent until then asked
immediately: "Mummy, I have no father?” His mother did
not reply. Not to worsen the situation I sent them
away immediately. But the question of the child still
haunts me, because there are many unwedded mothers and
children without a father here in this mission . 
Please remember them in your prayers.
Fr. Rafi


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