Hi Joynetters;

A big thanks to pathrose for his very enlightening
What he says is historically true and perfectly
They cannot be called Christians becoz they dont
accept Jesus as God.which is the most important thing
required to be called a christian.
They say he is Son of God therefore inferior to god..

All this comes from their too literal form of reading
the bible.They have made their own translation called
new world translation and keep quoting from there.

in 1876 when Charles russell started this group it was
called "International Bible Students"

then in 1931 rutherford and then later on nathan knorr
renamed and reinvented the organisation calling it the
"jehovahs witnesses" and came out with all those funny
beliefs they have which is nothing new but just a
combination of many half-truths and errors from the
past 2000 years.. as rightly pointed out by pathrose.
Even things like blood transfusion and birthday
celebrations are not accepted and promoted by them.
all this started when nathan knorr became president of
this organisation..and not when it was originally

Let us be wary of them,they are like wolves in sheeps
clothing.pray that u be given wisdom to deal with
Let me know if u need further clarification.

i will put some more info on the fallacy of their
beliefs later..

Love and Prayers


--- pathrose alphus <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi All,
> I was rather shocked to see a Jehovah's Witness
> pamphlet posted on Joynet. Many weighty
> ecclesiastical
> authorities have categorically stated that this
> group
> cannot be termed Christian.
>  Their baptism is not valid since one has to accept
> the trinitarian dogma to recieve a valid baptism.
> The
> Baptism can be administred only " in the Name of the
> Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit". By
> saying " in the Name" and not "in the names" the
> Church holds fast to the teaching of Christ. It
> implies that Father, Son and Holy Spirit, three 
> distinct persons, are hypostatically One, having the
> same Glory.
> Jehovah's witnesses hold forth the Arian heresy,
> condemned by the Church assembled in council at
> Nicea
> in 325.
> The council confessed, and we continue to confess
> that
> " we believe in one Lord, Jesus Christ, born of the
> Father before all Creation, God from God, Truth from
> Truth, Light from light, True God from True God,
> begotten, not made, consubstantial (ie.One in being)
> with the Father". Anyone who denies any of these
> propositions stand condemned by the Church.
> As for the name Jehovah:- This name is a translators
> correption of the divine Name revealed to Moses on
> the
> mount. The first consonants of the words of the Name
> I
> AM WHO I AM, when written in Hebrew are YHWH. How
> this
> Name is to be pronounced was lost during the
> Babylonian captivity.
> This Name appears in the English versions as LORD.
> But
> Jews,at the time of Christ, and before, did not read
> out this name out of reverence. Instead they used
> the
> word ADONAI ( trans. "Lord" ). The word Yahowah was
> mistakenly constructed as a combination of the two
> Divine names; put the vowels of Adonai, in the order
> in which they appear, between YHWH and see for
> yourself.
> The Jews had many other titles for God, like EL,
> (God
> ), Shaddai (Mighty Lord of the Hosts)----etc.
> All these appellations can be used by Christians
> too.
> BUT............ , because we are Christians, because
> we are saved by the precious Blood of His Son,
> because,the Only Begotten has taught us thus , we
> call God ABBA ( A Hebrew equivalent of Daddy, Papa).
> We are a Royal priesthood and children of the King.
> Eventhough  God is our Lord , he is OUR FATHER. This
> is the sort of relation we must have with Him.
> If you face any difficulties when interacting with
> the
> Arian heretics who go in the guise of Jehowah's
> witnesses, approach a Priest who can help you.
> As St Peter says in his 2nd epistle " The Scriptures
> contain many things difficult to understand which
> wicked people distort to their own destruction".
> Love in Christ Our Lord
> Alphus Pathrose, Kochi,India
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