Hi friends,

Some days ago I had requested you all to pray for my
interview.  I was really touched with all your concern
and care when so many of you got back to me with
encouraging and loving mails.
I just do not know how to  thank all of you for making
me feel that you all were with me in my time of
With your prayers and the grace of God I passed in the
interview.  It was a real miracle that took place in
my life.  For me to get this job was almost
impossible, because I did not actually fulfil all the
criteria required for the job.  .there were so many
people discouraging me.  There were also thousands of
applicants who were much more experienced.  
But then finally God showed that HE alone is the all
time victor.  When HE is with us, nothing in all the
world can ever defeat us.  Among all the skilled and
experienced people gathered there, they chose me for
the job.  All praise and glory be to the LOrd
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