Hi Joynetters,

I recieved this mail from a friend.. it is very
Surely will help us when we face failure in our lives.

Love and Prayers


> Failure doesn't mean - You are a failure, It means -
You have not
> > succeeded.
> > Failure doesn't mean - You accomplished nothing,
It means - You 
> > learned something.
> > Failure doesn't mean - That you have been a fool.,
It means - You 
had a
> > lot of faith.
> > Failure doesn't mean - You've been disgraced, It
means - You were
> > to try.
> > Failure doesn't mean - You don't have it, It means
- You have to do
> > something in a different way.
> > Failure doesn't mean - You are inferior, It means
-You are not 
> > Failure doesn't mean - You've wasted your life.,
It means - You 
have a
> > reason to start afresh.
> > Failure doesn't mean - You should give up, It
means - You must try
> >
> > Failure doesn't mean -You'll never make it, It
means -It will take 
> > little longer.
> > Failure doesn't mean - God has abandoned you, It
means - God has a
> > way for you.
> > Every morning in Africa, When the Sun rises, A
deer awakens, 
Knowing, it
> > has to outrun the fastest Lion, OR, be hunted to
> > Every morning in Africa, When the Sun rises, A
Lion awakens, 
Knowing, it
> > has to outrun the slowest deer, OR, be starved to
death.... It does 
> > matter whether you area deer or Lion, When the Sun
> > Better be running at your best. > >

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