Hi Jason & JY's,

A very good question I must say.

I was just pondering over this question after the death of one of my parishioner
last week.  Since I was praying for his soul...........and I wondered whether my
prayers wud really help him???

And as I pondered over this question, a thought came to me........our God is an
awesome God.........He is very loving and forgiving.  When we as human beings,
we pray for the souls & feel that all souls shud be save..........how much more
will God the Creator must be wanting that all Souls shud be saved.  We don't
know what happens when a person faces death.........I believe that in a fraction
of time before the person breathes his last....... God, most merciful gives the
soul yet another chance to repent...........and if the soul in those brief
moments does repent ..........will he still deserve hell???? No........the soul
will defintely be saved.  And if the soul is in purgatory, then our prayers will
help the soul to receive Heavenly glory & so I feel that we should believe in
the merciful Love of God which can never be comprehended by our human minds and
keep praying for people who have died after commmitting suicide.

Love & Prayers
Jennifer. Fernandes

Jason Herbert wrote:

> Dear JYs
> We have recently read the 2 Part mails of Father Thomas on whether Sucide is
> a Sin or not. It was really a wonderful sharing. I had recently been for a
> Retreat. There the Priest had mentioned that a Person committing Suicide is
> as good as Handing over ur Soul to the Satan.
> My Question is : Considering that a person commits Suicide and knowing that
> his Soul is as good as lost. Is then fruitful then praying for his Soul or
> would it be waste to do so
> Please note i am not saying that it is waste to pray for any1. But
> considering in this case of suicide or like euthanasia whatever the case may
> be would it be fruitful then to pray for that soul.
> I would really love ur views on this.
> urs in faith
> Jason
> Mumbai
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