Dear JYs

Beauty can be described as something wonderful in the eyes of the beholder or
so the saying goes. Not so when in the month of November 2002 towns like Abuja
and Kaduna were rocked by Riots. And the target of the riots : Christians just
like us. I wonder how come none of us (me included) ever mentioned about this
in our Prayer Requests out here.

I didnt realise the gravity of the situation till the Saturday issue of really caught my eye. The writing was there. More than 200 people,
mostly Christians, were killed; several others were maimed. As well, 15
churches were burned and pulled down, and more than 30,000 people have been

What was that spark that ignited the lives of over 30,000 Christian. A Beauty
Paegent - The ever famous Miss World.

Yep. the same Miss World that is supposed to showcase 80 of the World's most
beautiful women every year. Yep that same Miss World that added India to the
Glamour world. Yep that same Miss World that gave the ever drooling India its
Aishwarya Rais, its Lara Duttas etc. That same Miss World that had millions of
viewers (including Christians) this Saturday glued to their Television Set.
And yet as on today that same Miss World whcih was supposed to "declare" some
fortunate woman as the most beautiful woman of the world has actually dug 200
graves for Christians and have blown the roof tops for over 30,000.

That anytime trouble would be errupt was evident from the reaction from
different Muslim circles months before the Paegant could commence in Nigeria.
What actually fanned the flames was after a Kaduna newspaper, ThisDay,
published an article alleging that the prophet Mohammed would have approved of
the Miss World beauty pageant.

According to Archbishop John Olorunfemi Onaiyekan of Abuja, the surprising
thing was that Christians were singled out for attacks by Muslims enraged by
the Miss World event, given that the beauty pageant was a "purely a secular
project." Just like our Gujarat it is believed that the reason for inciting
violence seems political as elections are scheduled to be held next year.

None of those christians affected might have ever expected on that faithful
day to find their lives suddenly uprooted. None of them must have ever
expected that they were chosen to be one with Christ in experiencing
sufferings and rejection. Like us they too were followers of Christ leading
normal 'daily lives'. I wondered how many of them during those faithful hours
must have questioned their faith. Sure like St, Peter there were some
Christians who retaliated and attacked their Perpetrators.

The report in further goes on to say that according to Archbishop
Onaiyekan, Christians right now are terrified in the wake of the riots, and
many are ready to flee their homes at the slightest sign of further violence.

So dear JYs let us not forget to pray for our bretheren whom we cannot reach
out to but who depend our Prayers as they face one more night of uncertainity.
May the Lord give us all strength in the time of our trials. May the might of
his strength be witnessed in the power  he gives us to not only forgive but to
love our enemies and may his peace be always with us.

urs in faith


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