Dear JY friends,
I do agree with Kurian uncle, sanju and James. 
I have got a suggestion, why not we have a fixed day of each month as a Joynet prayer 
day. In Uk we observe every 10th of month as the UK Jesus Youth prayer day, were we 
take up requests and pray. 
love n prayers
Joseph / UK

----- Original Message -----
From: "Primeson James" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Tue, 14 Jan 2003 12:50:17 +0400
Subject: [JOYnet] RE: Joynet Prayer Day: a suggestion

Re: Dear Joynet friends
Re: This is in connection with Kurian uncle's and Sanju's mails.
Re: I would also like to state hereunder my opinion. 
Re: We selected a day and prayed on 20th of december '02. As sanju mentioned, why
Re: we cannot continue with this prayer once in a month. I will also suggest that
Re: "Once in month", and should be the same day, means last month it was 20, we
Re: can fix a day on this month as suggested by kurian uncle i.e. 24th friday of
Re: this month, OR last friday of each month. We can do the same prayer of 20th
Re: december and continue with that. (praye is added to our homepage)
Re: we would like to know eachone of your opinion / suggestion.
Re: with prayer
Re: primeson
Re: dubai / uae
Re: -----Original Message-----
Re: From: Sanju Joseph [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Re: Sent: Tuesday, January 14, 2003 9:05 AM
Re: To: Kurian Nellikunnel; Jesus Net
Re: Subject: Re: [JOYnet] Joynet Prayer Day: a suggestion
Re: Dear Brothers and Sisters,
Re:      One good thing about praying together is that all
Re: of us will become more and more united in the Spirit
Re: of God. This prayer initiative is yet another step
Re: towards it. Would like to mention that our prayer for
Re: all our terrorists brothers did go well with the Lord
Re: and there are subtle but powerful changes happening.
Re: The longest insurgency problem in India is regarding
Re: the Naga homeland in the North East. If you have taken
Re: notice ; the NSCN leaders are in New Delhi now for
Re: talks with L K Advani(the Home Minister) and they are
Re: looking for peace. Well, I believe in faith that it is
Re: bcos of our prayers. Amen. 
Re: Just some suggestions regarding the Joynet prayer
Re: days(these are personal views) :
Re: 1. Can our Prayer days be once in a month or once in 2
Re: months ? This is bcos most of us already have fasting
Re: commitments once or twice a week.
Re: 2. Can the prayer initiatives also be driven by the
Re: Events in the world or our country ? So that depending
Re: on the need of the hour all of us can unite and pray.
Re: 3. It would also be good that we do not limit the
Re: prayer to a single day. It will be great if the same
Re: prayer is repeated over a period of one week. Bcos
Re: some of the problems are so big that it requires an
Re: on-going prayer support(say terrorism/wars). However
Re: let this not be the thumbrule as all of us will not be
Re: able to unite in prayer for the entire week at the
Re: same time.
Re: Love and Prayers
Re: Sanju Joseph.
Re:  --- Kurian Nellikunnel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: >
Re: Hi All,
Re: >     I would like to suggest another Jesus Youth
Re: > prayer day on Friday the
Re: > 24th of January, 2003. The timing and duration could
Re: > be the same as
Re: > before, namely 15 minutes at 7:30 AM, EST (Eastern
Re: > Standard Time, i.e.
Re: > NY time).
Re: > Intention: Unification of the three Malankara
Re: > Churches.
Re: >     As we know,  we celebrate next week as the
Re: > Christian Unity Week. All
Re: > the three Malankara Churches have the apostolic
Re: > tradition from St.
Re: > Thomas the Apostle and have the same liturgical
Re: > format. His Excellency,
Re: > Isaac Mar Cleemis had a great article in the
Re: > Christian publication
Re: > "Sunday Shalom" in which he suggested a workable
Re: > formula for the
Re: > unification of these three Malankara Churches. I
Re: > believe that if we fast
Re: > and pray with great faith, this long cherished dream
Re: > of many saintly
Re: > people could be obtained from our Lord.
Re: >     I suggest that when we fast, we should fast our
Re: > addictions and not
Re: > just food alone. It is a very difficult thing to do.
Re: >  For example, for
Re: > some, to abstain from TV on the Super Bowl day would
Re: > be harder than
Re: > abstaining from food for a whole week.
Re: > Please respond with your comments.
Re: > Thank You,
Re: > Yours in Jesus, Mary and Joseph,
Re: > Kurian Nellikunnel, New Jersey, USA.
Re: > 
Re: >
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