FEBRUARY  13  , 2003


Virgin (1522-1590)



    Alexandra  Romola   was  born  on  23rd  April  1522  at  Florence ,Italy,the  
daughter  of  an  old  patrician  family..Her  mother died when Catherine was an 
infant; she was raised by her godmother, but considered Our Lady her true mother, and 
developed a great devotion. As a child, she could speak to her guardian angel, and the 
angel taught her prayers for the rosary. At age 6 she moved to the convent school of 
Montecelli; her aunt was the abbess. Catherine developed a devotion to the Passion. 
Her father, Peter, objected to her plans to join a convent, then relented, then 
changed his mind again. Catherine continued her prayers at home, but when he changed 
his mind she fell ill. It was only when he at last agreed on her vocation that she 

        When  she  enetered  into  Dominician   covent  she  took   the  name  of  
Catherine. After  five  years  , during  which  she  was  much  misunderstood  
&calumniated  ,  her  holiness  was  recognised   &  she  aws  advanced  to   novice 
mistress,  then  sub-prioress  and  finally to prioress. 

She received visions and had ecstacies, but these caused some problems and doubts 
among her sisters - outwardly she seemed asleep or dully stupid when the visions were 
upon her. Catherine though everyone received these visions as part of their lives with 
God. She was stricken with a series of painful ailments that permanently damaged her 
health. Catherine met Philip Neri in a vision while he was alive in Rome; they 
corresponded. Could bi-locate. Said to have received a ring from the Lord as a sign of 
her espousal to him; to her it appeared as gold set with a diamond; everyone else saw 
a red lozenge and a circlet around her finger. 

Permanent stigmatist. At 20 she began a 12-year cycle of weekly ecstasies of the 
Passion from noon Thursday til 4:00 p.m. Friday, often accompanied by serious wounds. 
Her sisters could follow the course of the Passion, as the wounds appeared in order 
from the scourging and crowning with thorns. At the end she was covered with wounds 
and her shoulder was indented from the Cross. The first time, during Lent 1542, she 
meditated so completely on the crucifixion of Jesus that she became ill, and was 
healed by a vision of the Risen Lord talking with Mary Magdalene. Crowds came to see 
her, skeptics and sinners being converted by the sight. The crowds became to numerous 
and constant that the sisters prayed that the wounds become less visible; He made them 
so 1554. Three future popes (Cardinals Cervini, Pope Marcellus II; Alexander de 
Medici, Pope Leo XI; Aldobrandini, Pope Clement VIII) were among the thousands who 
sought her prayers. . Correspondent with Saint Charles Borromeo and !
Pope Saint Pius V.  

     St.Catherine  de  Ricci  died  after  a  long  illness  on  february  
1590.Canonized  in  1746  by  Pope  Benedict  XIV



        Body  illness,  sickness, sick  people.


             :No one has ever claimed that imagination could produce wounds in a 
normal subject; it is true that this faculty can act slightly on the body, as Benedict 
XIV said, it may accelerate or retard the nerve-currents, but there is no instance of 
its action on the tissues (De canoniz., III, xxxiii, n. 31). But with regard to 
persons in an abnormal condition, such as ecstasy or hypnosis, the question is more 
difficult; and, despite numerous attempts, hypnotism has not produced very clear 
results. At most, and in exceedingly rare cases, it has induced exudations or a sweat 
more or less coloured, but this is a very imperfect imitation. Moreover, no 
explanation has been offered of three circumstances presented by the stigmata of the 
saints:Physicians do not succeed in curing these wounds with remedies.On the other 
hand, unlike natural wounds of a certain duration, those of stigmatics do not give 
forth a fetid odour.Sometimes these wounds give forth perfumes.



                **  All  of  us  can  attain  to  christian  virtue  and  holiness  ,  
no  matter  in  what  condition  of  life  we  live  and  no  matter  what  our  
life-work  may  be.** St.Francis  de  Sales.




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