Dear friends,

    Thanks a lot for your valuable prayers.( Specially  Shaji,Varghese, Yesu
oliver,Jomon ...) Michel Chettans operation was success. Yesterday he
discharged from the hospital. Lord Jesus we thank you for your loving care
and healing touch.

Prayers & love

Jose Kuriakose -- Bahrain

Dear friends,

           Micahel Chettan admitted Salmania Hospital today. Please keep him
and his family in your prayers.

Prayers & love
Jose Kuriakose -- Bahrain

                     PRAISE THE LORD

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Jesus Christ,

I request your prayer support for me and my family. I have some problem
while speaking. I had been to the doctor for a check up and it is revealed
that there is a small growth on the vocal chord and I need to go for
Microlarynxoscopy and biopsy if needed.

I request your special prayer for me and my family at this juncture that we
all may be filled with the Holy Spirit submit ourselves to the  Will of God.

With love and prayers,

Yours in Jesus Christ

Michael Abraham

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