On Feb 25, 11:36 am, Daniel Friesen <nadir.seen.f...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I also thought about the idea of a jquery-debug.js at one point. My
> thought was adding a number of logging statements for various warnings
> (selector found 0 nodes but you try to style or do stuff to it; common
> issue for not understanding why nothing has been styled sometimes) which
> would hook into a variety of debuggers including FireBug.

I've posted something very much like this in the past:

My proof-of-concept tried to catch things like selectors that return
no matches and passing complex selectors to .is (which often tripped
up many developers in the past).

Putting debug code into the core itself for a "debug version" and then
filtering it out for the "release version" of jQuery would be the
ideal solution, IMO.

Matt Kruse

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