On Thu, Apr 16, 2009 at 12:48 AM, Pink Pig
<b...@grandcentralapartments.com> wrote:
> On Apr 15, 7:11 pm, Ricardo <ricardob...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Try a search for '@' in the plugin files, it shouldn't be hard.
>> On Apr 15, 3:59 am, Pink Pig <b...@grandcentralapartments.com> wrote:
>> > Maybe you guys should stop patting yourselves on the back long enough
>> > to straighten out  the documentation and synchronize everything.
>> I'm not in the core team, but hello?
> Well, hello yourself. Obvious everyone in the world is a total idiot
> but you.

I don't know what made you take that tone in that last paragraph in
your second email or in this most recent email, but no one's response
so far warrants such treatment.

Your initial email pointed to a fairly straight-forward case of using
the removed @ syntax, so that's what people told you.

You didn't give notice or any indication of third party plugins until
your second email, where you decided that the best way to garner help
was to end on a snarky remark.

Ricardo's advice is pretty sound: if it's complaining about @, then it
means one of your plugins is using @.  Do a search through them and
see if that's the case.

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