
I think you have some good points about what you are trying to
achieve, but personally, I don't think jMVC is for jQuery. I would be
interested in collaborating on some projects such as this in the
jQuery realm, though. I have done a bit of development on something
similar (although, it's one JS file ;) ) and have recently implemented
the execution of javascript files withing the context of part of the
DOM as well as (previously) lazy loading, caching and namespacing
while taking bits from ruby on rails, zend as well as my personal php
mvc framework.

Sorry. Harsh opinion, but I wouldn't be me without it. If your
interested on working on some projects (as well as other people), I'd
love to hear back from you.


On Apr 28, 4:40 pm, Justin Meyer <justinbme...@gmail.com> wrote:
> If anyone out there is still interested ... I just put up the first
> alpha.  It's pretty slick.  You can find it here:
> http://javascriptmvc.com/wiki/index.php?title=Downloads
> I re-mapped JMVC's Controller, View, and Class to work nicer with
> jQuery.  And, compression works with the latest env.js.
> Here's how class basically works:
> $.Class.extend("Name.Of.MyClass",{
>    static : function(){return 'static' }},{
>   init : function( val){
>     this.val = val;
>   }
>   proto : function(){ return this.val }
> })
> Name.Of.MyClass.static() // -> static
> new Name.Of.MyClass(''proto').proto() // -> proto
> Name.Of.MyClass.extend("NewClassName",{},{}) //-> NewClassName
> Here's how a very simple 'show content' controller could work:
> $.Controller.extend("ShowController",{},{
>   'a click' : function(el, ev){
>      var id = el.attr('href'); //get id we want to show
>      this.element.find(id ).toggle(); //find it inside the 'wrapped'
> element
>      ev.preventDefault()  //prevent browser from auto-scrolling there
>   }
> })
> You could add this to any collection of a's like the following:
> <div id='mycollection'>
>    <a href='#place_to_open'>Open</a>
>    <p id='place_to_open'>Blah Blah</p>
> </div>
> $('#mycollection').show_controller();
> Honestly ... what could be better than that!!!!  I mean really.  That
> has got to be the nicest way of defining and grouping functionality
> just about ever.
> A few more things about this.....
> When you 'add' show controller to mycollection it does the following:
> adds the class name 'show_controller' to mycollection making it easy
> to figure out what controllers are responding to mycollection just by
> inspecting the dom.
> puts the controller in the element's data so you can get it like:
> $('#mycollection').data('show_controller')
> And remove all functionality like:
> $('#mycollection').data('show_controller').destroy();
> You can also have 'setup' functionality.  Lets say we wanted to hide
> everything in our element that matched some selector, we could add an
> init function:
> $.Controller.extend("ShowController",{},{
>   init : function(element, hideSelector){
>     this._super(element);  //sets the element to delegate from and
> this.element
>     this.element.find(hideSelector).hide()
>   },
>   'a click' : function(el, ev){
>      var id = el.attr('href'); //get id we want to show
>      this.element.find(id ).toggle(); //find it inside the 'wrapped'
> element
>      ev.preventDefault()  //prevent browser from auto-scrolling there
>   }
> })
> now we could call it like:
> $('#mycollection').show_controller('p');
> How fantastic is that.  This can be better for jQuery that the jersey
> we gave John.
> And if you wanted to extend the functionality and make it your own:
> ShowController.extend("MyShowController",{},{
>   'a click' : function(el, ev){
>     this._super(el, ev)
>     el.text( el[0].style.display == "" ? "hide" : "show" )  //says
> hide or show
>    }
> })
> Oh, I almost forgot views:
> $(".some_thing").append({view '/url/to/view', data: {message:
> "hello_world"}})
> in /url/to/view.ejs
> <h1><%= message %></h1>
> prepend, after, before,replace,text,html  all work too.
> Now that I got a rough draft ... I'm really looking for people who
> want to take this project to the next level with me.  Give me a shout
> if you are interested and what you think -> justinbme...@gmail.com
> John, let me know if there is a better place for this.  It's very
> jQuery related, but don't want to be spamming anyone.
> My next step is hardening the API and getting rhino and selenium
> testing working.
> On Mar 1, 7:33 am, tres <treshug...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > I realized after I made my last post (#57) I realized that you
> > described almost exactly what I had just built :). Sort of like
> > finding money behind the couch! 
> > Try:http://code.google.com/p/jquery-plugin-dev/source/browse/trunk/jquery....
> > Anyways, I am not trying to say MVC is over-engineering in practice as
> > I do understand the need for organization, code-reuse and convention
> > (I've authored my own PHP5 MVC framework), but currently I think that
> > with JavaScript, there needs to be a happy medium between performance,
> > organization and convention. Separating these out into at least 3
> > server calls per page, plus extra processing time that comes from
> > dispatching and routing, has the potential for a bit of overhead,
> > especially in a large application.
> > UI, being as dynamic as it is, calls for many different situations
> > where you might respond to an event by posting a form via ajax, and
> > when that is done manipulating the DOM accordingly. As simple as that
> > seems, more often than not something will vary with the way JavaScript
> > will have to handle the user's last interaction. Sometimes, simple
> > conventions and organization is less work and easier to maintain. The
> > simplest answer is usually the best answer (within reason, though).
> > But that is just my opinion.
> > Cheers,
> > Trey
> > On Feb 27, 6:03 am, Justin Meyer <justinbme...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > > @Trey,
> > >   You created a plugin to deal with the exact problems we have been
> > > talking about :).
> > >   Have you developed a JS centered application, something that could
> > > be considered a 'Thin-Server-Architecture' app?
> > > When you build the entire HTML structure client side, a lack of a JS
> > > template (View) is brutal.
> > > If you only have raw services to work from, something that can wrap
> > > and provide context to the data is essential.
> > > Although widget.js comes close to a 'controller' anyway, wouldn't it
> > > be great if you can make plugins like:
> > > $.plugin('todo',{
> > >   init : function(element, options) {
> > >      //initialization code on the element
> > >      //uses something in 'data' as 'this' for state, instead of
> > > this=element
> > >      this.created = true;
> > >   }
> > >   "a.destroy click" : function(element, event){
> > >      //uses event delegation to call without actually having to setup
> > > delegation
> > >      this.destroyed = true;
> > >   },
> > >   destroyed : function(){ return this.destroyed } // a normal function
> > > on the plugin
> > > })
> > > Widget.js could just see which functions look for events and setup
> > > delegation on the element for you.
> > > Now, what if you can create your plugin like:
> > > var instances = $('.someClass').todo(options)
> > > and it would return the 'instances' of the plugin you were operating
> > > on so you could do something like:
> > > instances[0].destroyed();
> > > MVC isn't over-engineering in a 'large' project because it fits
> > > perfects with what you always have to do.
> > > -respond to events
> > > -connect to/manipulate services
> > > -wrap data from those services
> > > -Build/manipulate HTML/DOM
> > > Logically separating these concerns is extremely helpful.  Doing it in
> > > an organized and repeatable fashion is event more important.
> > > @nicolas - I was never implying any of this should be part of the
> > > core.  It should not be.  I was simply proposing that a new 'branch'
> > > of jQuery is started with a focus on tools and structure needed for
> > > large projects.
> > > On Feb 25, 6:11 pm, tres <treshug...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > > > I think 'MVC as it states - Model, View, Controller - in JavaScript
> > > > terms, is over-engineering what doesn't need to be over-engineered.
> > > > jQuery in it's simplicity can evolve with a very complex application
> > > > quite nicely.
> > > > That being said, I have authored myself a plugin called jFrame in
> > > > order to help with code convention, organization as well as automated
> > > > loading. Works nicely for me.
> > > > -Trey
> > > > On Feb 25, 8:26 am, John Resig <jere...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > > > > Ok, so boiling down a list:
> > > > > Needs code:
> > > > >  - Widget utility (I'm working on this)
> > > > >  - Debugging utility
> > > > >  - Static plugin analyzer
> > > > > Need a tutorial to cover the concepts of (I'm working on this):
> > > > >  - Encapsulation
> > > > >  - Extensibility
> > > > >  - Modularity
> > > > > Needs (defined/documented) conventions:
> > > > >  - File names
> > > > >  - Method names
> > > > >  - Method structures
> > > > >  - Testing
> > > > >  - Documentation
> > > > >  - Packaging
> > > > > Once the above conventions are finalized, that static plugin analyzer
> > > > > can be written.
> > > > > Once the widget code is done, the tutorial needs to be updated.
> > > > > ---
> > > > > So, with that drawn in the sand, Justin, would you be interested in
> > > > > working on the debugging plugin, the static analyzer, defining
> > > > > conventions, all of the above?
> > > > > Any/all of those would be a huge help and I'd imagine that if the work
> > > > > is solid they should all become official jQuery projects/conventions.
> > > > > Now I'm not discounting any additional code or patterns but we need to
> > > > > start with what we have and make sure that we're working with the best
> > > > > possible resources. If we define the above conventions and code we may
> > > > > find that there is less of a need for a new project than we originally
> > > > > thought - and we get the benefit of having excellently defined and
> > > > > documented resources and conventions for people to use - so everyone
> > > > > wins.
> > > > > --John
> > > > > On Tue, Feb 24, 2009 at 2:41 PM, Justin Meyer 
> > > > > <justinbme...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > > > > >> - package and minimize multiple files (YUI Compressor)
> > > > > > - Could be solved much better as it is not integrated into the
> > > > > > 'framework'.  You have to 'double' include everything (once in your
> > > > > > page, another in your build script).  You have to set your html to
> > > > > > switch from loading separate files to loading the combined in
> > > > > > production.
> > > > > >> - documentation (jQuery Documentation Wiki -
> ...
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