yeah sounds good and you can get disconnect which is nice and not much
longer too.

On Jul 21, 5:10 pm, Peter Higgins <> wrote:
> I like $.connect(ev, fn) ;)
> Gilles wrote:
> > If the all name is still around then it is ok, it's just sometimes in
> > the past changes where made that would not support earlier ways of
> > doing thing which lead to plugins no longer working. If it's more an
> > alias that is created than I am up for it.
> > I like Daniel's idea of event(), couldn't make more sense than that
> > really :)
> > On Jul 20, 11:03 am, Már <> wrote:
> >>> jQuery(someElement).bind('click', someFunction.bind(this));
> >> I think as `Function.prototype.bind` becomes more mainstream (years
> >> from now) this will indeed become common cause of confusuion for
> >> jQuery newcomers.
> >> However, all mature libraries are bound have their share of
> >> idiosyncratic/lame-duck legacy naming baggage to confuse newcomers.
> >> jQuery has a couple or so already:
> >>  *  `$.fn.load()` has fundamentally different semantics depending on
> >> the arguments you feed it.
> >>  *  `$.fn.remove()` is not a normal `removeChild()`, but actually a
> >> "destroy" method.
> >>  * etc.
> >> ...and it's very difficult to avoid these sort of things completely -
> >> without either A) clean restart (breaking backwards compatibility) -
> >> or B) building up a large stack of  depricated method names that lie
> >> "hidden"/forgotten only to spring on unsuspecting developers when they
> >> least need to have to deal with cryptic bugs in their code.
> >> Design is damn hard.
> >> ;-)
> >> --
> >> Már
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