On Fri, Jan 15, 2010 at 8:11 PM, Scott Sauyet <scott.sau...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I think you miss the point.  This would not be a production version of
> jQuery.  It would be either a stand-alone jquery version, called

IME, that's a big red flashing "ALERT!!!!!" sign with white bulbs around it!

Something that isn't meant to be in production shouldn't be in testing
either, let alone a
different version of the library? Geez, would you take the risk of
doing something like that?
I mean, dude, this is stuff that *has to be used* by users - not techies.

Another version of JQuery, gosh! What happens if the two versions are
not synchronized?
What happens if, for some reason, the internal code changes and the
right people aren't notified?
No no no no no no no no, big red signs flashing all over!

> somthing like jquery-1.4-lint.js, or a plug-in that could run
> alongside a particular version of jQuery.  Or it could simply be an

I don't like the idea of a "particular version of jQuery".
Call me conservative, if you want, but I would rather be able to
switch versions
without one more variable floating around and ready to strike you in that place
alongside the others(changing version, a bad idea with worse results,
but sometimes
there is no choice...).

> external tool like JSLint which runs against your jQuery-related
> source code.

*This* is an entirely different matter. "External tool", possibly
native, possibly cross
platform(CONSOLE!), this could indeed be interesting and even useful!
Performance here isn't an issue: even if it takes one hour to check,
you can cron it,
schedule it, even run it with a batch file if you really want!
You could even have a GUI version if you have a compulsion towards
(yes 1, I am in Windows, but I always have a dos prompt ready to fire...).
(yes 2, I know I'm using the wrong platform :D but Delphi(aka:
Windows) programming
pays my bills, so...  :-) ).

> It would be meant to help you track down bad practices in your code
> before you put it into production, but you would never use it in a
> live site.

It would *never* step in the cable line to production if it was my server.

>  -- Scott

Andrea Raimondi
Senior Software Analyst&Developer
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