On Wed, 25 Apr 2007 13:08:10 +0100, Ariel Jakobovits <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> sorry for 2 emails for one response.
> I don't mean "Set to today" I mean "Go To Today" in the calendar itself.
> see, if I type '123' in the date field, then click the calendar icon to open 
> the popup, the calendar will be on the startDate I defined, in my case 
> January 1, 2000.
> I don't want the user to have to click click click back to April 2007. I want 
> a little link that says "Go to Today" or "Today" to reset the calendar to 
> today's date.

Emails to the group seem to be arriving in the wrong order for me... That's why 
I asked about this in the other reply...

Anyway - I see. So you want a link within the calendar popup itself for 
"today"? Which would select today's date but not close the calendar? I can put 
that on the TODO list...

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