I only just received this email even though it looks like it was sent 
yesterday... Is anyone else still having issues with the list lagging?

> Looking good. Lots of examples - although it would be nice to have
> some CSS samples as well (or 'style packs' - Outlook 2003, Google
> Calendar etc)

Yeah - that would be nice... If anyone wants to contribute some I'll gladly add 
them in :)

> Just need a time picker to complement it.
> I have worked on one (http://www.texotela.co.uk/code/jquery/
> timepicker/), but am unsure how to scroll to the currently selected
> time (like how it does in Google calendar when creating an event) as
> well as some other bugs (one of which can be fixed if I used the
> dimensions plugin).

Cool - the timepicker looks nice... Are you working on it now? I'm sure I saw 
the link through the google groups interface earlier and it looked completely 
different. It was using a select element then? And now you are creating some 

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