Just to extend on what Su said - you would never need a class or even ID for
the <html> tag because there *is* only one (or should be anyway!)
So, to target it with a CSS rule you just need:
  html { /* ... */ }

But as he says, why would you need to target <html> not <body>?

On 5/4/07, Su <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On 5/3/07, Glen Lipka <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Can jQuery access the <HTML> node and add a class to it?
> Is this invalid XHTML?

Class is invalid on the HTML element, but you /can/ assign an ID.
Given that there should never be more than one HTML element in a doc,
this is less a restriction than just proper behavior, if you really
think about it.

I'm curious why you're going up so far, though. What are you doing
that you couldn't just put a class on the body instead?

Rob Desbois
Tel: 01452 760631
Mob: 07946 705987
"There's a whale there's a whale there's a whale fish" he cried, and the
whale was in full view.
...Then ooh welcome. Ahhh. Ooh mug welcome.

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