Thanks. I was pretty angry at that response, and yes, I might have
worded some of it better, but I really was just askign for help
looking for a plugin/solution to the problem, that's hardly askign
someone else to do my work for me.

As for code, I wish I could post it but it's already been made clear
to me today that said code is my employer's property and I'm really
not allowed to show any to third parties.

On May 24, 2:09 pm, "Benjamin Sterling"
> @erik,
> I usually don't say stuff like this but I kinda feel your response warrants
> it.  I don't see anything in Gordon message that required you to come at him
> like that.  Yes, he may have worded a few things here and there a little
> better, but coming at him like he was demanding you do his work for him is
> not the way we should act in the jquery community.  We have all been in a
> situation where we have been working on a piece of code for months on end
> with no resolve and we all know how frustrating that can be.  Showing a
> little tact and asking him to post some of the code he already created would
> be better for the community.  That benefits us in three ways, 1) new users
> will feel comfortable asking for help, especially if they are not well
> versed on how we communicate in our group, 2) gordon can see where he was
> going wrong in his code and 3) other people, like myself, may learn from his
> mistakes.
> Now this is just my two cents, just take it as constructive criticism.
> @gordon,
> Can you post some code on what you have already and/or maybe a url?  That
> will be helpful in letting us help you.
> Mark posted a nice solution, IMO, that may work for you, have you tried
> something like that?
> --
> Benjamin Sterlinghttp://www.KenzoMedia.com

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