I think I've found a bug in jQuery with regards to IE -a blank .html
page, with just the latest uncompressed jquery.js and a script file
(linked in the header) that looks like this:
/* <![CDATA[ */
// when the DOM is ready to be manipulated do some voodoo.
$(document).ready( function(){
    $(".search-advanced #classtest").hide();
/* ]]> */
produces an error in IE6 and IE7 (the line number is different in IE7);
Line 968
Error: 'getElementById' is null or not an object
however, these selectors produce no such error;
$("#search-advanced .classtest").hide();
$(".search-advanced .classtest").hide();
So it looks like IE doesn't like double ID selectors, or an ID selector
after a space. Anyone seen this before, or can reproduce it? I'd rather
not have to re-write bits of my site to use classes instead of IDs.
Luc Pestille
Web Designer


From: jquery-en@googlegroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of Luc Pestille
Sent: 29 May 2007 09:51
To: jquery-en@googlegroups.com
Subject: [jQuery] Re: IE selector bug/error?

Anyone have any idea on this? Non-existant selctors are breaking IE,
which is fairly bad news for me!
Luc Pestille
Web Designer


From: jquery-en@googlegroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of Luc Pestille
Sent: 23 May 2007 15:19
To: jquery-en@googlegroups.com
Subject: [jQuery] IE selector bug/error?

        I've found something that I can't get around; in IE6, these
selectors won't do anything for me;
1. $("#admin-jobs #discipline_client_row").hide();
2. $("#admin-jobs > #discipline_client_row").hide();
whereas this works fine (as you'd expect);
3. $("#discipline_client_row").hide();
In IE, number 1 gives me the error (when that div doesn't exist on the
Line: 184
Error: 'getElementById' is null or not an object
but number 2 reports no error, despite not finding the div on the page.
Has anyone come across this before? Any help would be appreciated, IE is
starting to drive me in to a coma.
Luc Pestille
Web Designer


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