In simple terms, you need to "move" the content from the TinyMCE
control to the textarea for validation.

        if (tinyMCE) tinyMCE.triggerSave();

On Jun 7, 7:36 am, Jörn Zaefferer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Diego A. wrote:
> > I don't use TinyMCE but I have a similar problem with FCKEditor and
> > Codepress (both JS based rich-text editors).
> > Usually, these RT editors update the contents of the field/textarea
> > element just before the form is submitted, which probably happens
> > after your validation.
> > I work around it by manually updating the value of the field/textarea
> > before I call the validation/submit the form.
> Could you describe in more detail how you do that? As this issue is
> quite likely to occur for others, I'd like to write examples showing how
> to integrate validation with those editors.
> --
> Jörn Zaefferer

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