Hi guys

I am currently working on a rewrite of the Jargon buster feature at
www.pcwb.com to make it more DOM friendly (it relies on regex search
and replace on innerHTML and therefore fails to work in Safari), and
have decided to use jQuery as the framework instead of the roll-your-
own approach of the current version.

The javascript itself is at http://www.pcwb.com/js/jargonbuster.js
(The commented version isn't online due to it being double the

An example of what it does can be found at 
(the links with the speech bubbles next to them are inserted
dynamically by the script.  Reload the page with javascript off to see
what I mean).

The two major hurdles I need to overcome is finding a way to
dynamically create the links in a way that will work in Safari, and in
parsing the XML file.  While the current XML parseing works okay I
think a jQuery version would be more concise.

If you look at the jargon XML files being loaded, you can see that
each element has an id attribute associated with it.  I thought I
could use the #selector method of grabbign each XML element, but this
doesn't seem to work.  I know I could use [EMAIL PROTECTED] but past
experience has shown that this approach is very slow compared to

Is there a way I can get the #selector style syntax to work on XML

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