cool stuff man...

what do u mean by "unknown number of images"...


On 6/27/07, GianCarlo Mingati <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hi all.
I think i'm done with this plugin.
It is becoming a monster so it's better to leave it as it is now.

Added in the past 24H:

1) a tricky preloader wich equally works for FF, Opera and IE7
2) added the 'support' for the tootip plugin from

Now if you wish to make a gallery with *custom* easing effects, *fancy
tooltips* from a SINGLE unorder list with an unknown number of images
of an unknown size, you just need to:
a) write your list of images
$("div#mygaltwo").slideView({ easeFunc: "backinout", easeTime: 1200,
toolTip: true });

et voilà, you get a gallery.
How fun is jQuery!?


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