Lol, i still have friends and relatives that double click everything... Ive
seen this scenario play out a couple times.. When the X button is over an ad
or something.. :(

On 7/18/07, Michael Geary <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> >Now that i think about it, i'm constantly saying to my g/f, "don't
> >DOUBLE-click those links! That causes two hits on the server!" as if
> >she might someday magically understand what i mean by that. :/

> I'll also confirm that my finding the majority of
> non-hardcore users tend to double-click. Heck, one of my
> previous supervisors used to double-click every thing on a web page.
> People get in such a habit of double-clicking to open icons,
> they tend to do it for everything.

When I was working at Adobe several years ago, we had a bug report that
of us could reproduce or figure out.

The bug said that an unrelated window from another application would pop
the front when a dialog in our app was closed.

There actually is a similar problem that Windows apps can run into if they
close dialogs in the wong way. But I knew we weren't doing that, and we
couldn't repro the bug at all.

Finally we had the QA engineer who'd reported the bug demo it for us. He
clicked the OK button in the dialog, and sure enough, some other app
to the front - on his machine. Something weird about his Windows

We had him show us the bug a few times, and finally the light dawned.

Can you guess what he was doing, and what went wrong? :-)


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