Hmm, I left off a small portion that might help figure this one out.

When I place the remote script include text ("<script src="some/where/
else/jquery.js"></script>") in the "Page Header Tags", I can use basic
jQuery across the modules. However, the problem comes when I try and
add more than one jQuery script (plugins, etc.). Like I said, I have
no problem when I put the jQuery and the plugin script in the same
module, but once I try and make them "cross-module" by putting them in
the header or just putting the extra remote script call in the desired
module, I get the "Operation Aborted" failure.

Sorry for forgetting to include this in the original message. It has
been a long night at the office.

Thanks, again!

James McCabe
james [dot] mccabe [at] lostwhispers [dot] com

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