There is a plugin called nextUntil that you may be able to use. An
example is available at

Although I'm surprised it isn't in SVN or on the plugins page (perhaps
there are bugs?).

On Aug 2, 3:48 pm, DaveG <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I'm trying to enclose sections of the dom with a DIV tag. Basically I want 
> all elements between headings (and including the top-most heading) enclosed 
> in a DIV.
> My approach is to scan through the DOM, find a header tag, insert an opening 
> DIV tag, continue scanning until I hit the next header, close the prior div, 
> and open a new div tag. Thus:
> <h2>heading 2a<\h2>
> ...html tags...
> <h3>heading 3a<\h3>
> ...html tags...
> <h2>heading 2b<\h2>
> ...html tags...
> Becomes (indent added for clarity only):
> <div>
>    <h2>heading 2a<\h2>
>    ...html tags...
> <\div>
> <div>
>    <h3>heading 3a<\h3>
>    ...html tags...
> </div>
> <div>
>    <h2>heading 2b<\h2>
>    ...html tags...
> </div>
> I'm using .before to add the starting <div> tag, but it looks like .before 
> automatically closes open tags. I don't see any mention of this in the docs. 
> How would I go about adding an open ended tag to the DOM?
> Alternately, is there a way of identifying each section between headers so I 
> can .wrap with a div?
> Here's the code snippet:
>    var open = false;
>    $('#text').children().each(function(i) {
>       if( this.nodeName.match(/^H\d+$/) ) {
>          if (open) {
>             $(this).before('</div>');
>          }
>          $(this).before('<div class="xxx">');
>          open = true;
>       }
>    });

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