> > So, for my solution, I have a conditional that uses jQuery for
> > Safari with version numbers 417 and higher, and jQuery 1.1.2 for
> > Safari versions between 312 and 416.
> How do you do that?  If your code works with 1.1.2, why not use it and
> forget until it's fixed?  If the problem is with those older
> versions of Safari, they will never be fixed.

Conditional includes are handled in ColdFusion using <cfif> tags and
browser detection code.
Reverting to jQuery 1.1.2 for the entire site was an option I
considered. I am under the impression that 1.1.3 is better than 1.1.2,
unless you are using one of the browsers that crashes. I decided I
didn't want to hold back progress that benefits the majority of users
due to a small number of people running old software.

I noticed that the official browser requirements are more strict than
what I have in my notes from a while back. I have in old code comments
that jQuery works with Safari 1.3, Firefox 1.0, MSIE 5.5, and Opera
8.5, but the Web site now lists Safari 2, Firefox 1.5, MSIE 6, and
Opera 9.

-Mike Chabot

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