On Aug 7, 7:23 pm, "Andy Matthews" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> The weird thing is that it works just fine in FF. And the base code even
> works just fine in IE on the demo version found 
> here:http://jquery.com/demo/thickbox/
> Just not in my code.

Not so strange it works in FF - it is a IE6 hack that has the
problem ;)
But even stranger - on my bosses PC the problem exists - on my own PC
at work all is OK !

So, to be certain we talk about the same problem :
Running IE6 on Windows XP Professional using Thickbox 3 (not
reloaded !!).
And, jQuery !!
If we can agree on this - next thing is - what is different ?

1. on the jQuery demo page version 1.1.2 is used ! So - what about
testing with jQuery 1.1.2 ?
2. As far as i can see it has something to do with the screen height
and the picture being displayed - i use a small screen , my boss uses
a Laptop with more screen space and there the calculation margin-top
gets screwed in a way.

Now what next ? Testing with 1.1.2 will be done tomorrow - i am at
home right now ;P

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