> > As for the each() function -

I've given it some more thought, but I can't come up with a more
elegant solution (except perhaps for filter(), but I doubt that it
improves anything performance-wise). That's because we have to check
if the current link is in the current location, not the other way
around. I guess your scenario always applies to a navigation section,
so one could always narrow down the selector to links within the
navigation, which should cut down the number of times each() is run.

$('#nav a').each(function(){
      var u = $(this).attr('href');
      if( window.location.href.indexOf( u ) >= 0 && u.length > 1 ) {
                .css('font-style', 'italic')
                .css('text-decoration', 'none');

> Regexes are definitely worth learning.

For some reason, they're coming to me slowly, but my good RegexBuddy
helps me in my trial and error pursuits. ;-) At least I've progressed
to be aware of lookahead/lookbehind.


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