> Obviously, that was only a simple example. The more general case, wanting to
> bind some event handler to a selector regardless of when it appears on the
> page, is extremely common. So again, I'm trying to understand why the rate
> of adoption has been so slow. Any thoughts?

I've been using jQuery for about a year, but this is the first I've
heard of livequery.  I found it today because I ran into an obstacle
in an application I'm developing for the first time that it solves
nicely; now I expect to use it frequently (though I don't do much
AJAX, admittedly).

I think if it came down to a vote, this seems central enough to me to
warrant including in the core, though I'm sure there are many other
folks who think many hundreds of other plug-ins are likewise good
candidates.  Is adoption rate the principal consideration for
inclusion?  Seems the best resolution is to decide on clear

I suppose as long as it's possible to do this via 'bind' with the core
-- even if inelegant -- it may be wiser to leave it as a plugin, the
better to preserve jQuery's "leanness".  That's a more important
consideration, by far, and one of the reasons I bailed from both
Prototype and Mootools...


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