Visit to give it a try.

It's developed using php and massive jquery and the javascript source
is not yet packed, so you can read the source and give me some
(hopefully positive) comments.
It's crossbrowser (ie 6 supported, ps: there is a bug in jQuery with
hover event in ie6 using multiple selector comma separated, so hover
is disabled in ie 6), it's api based with the action argument now
encrypted (minimum security).
The core is the carrello object (cart in english), it has many methods
and callback, and every time an ajax function is called it fires
automatically the "aggiorna" method (refresh) to refresh its
properties (price, weight etc).
It makes a large use of lightbox (thanks to dimensions plugin for the
fader) so I think the user is not distracted by a popup or an add to
cart page.
Even if you don't buy (eheheh) please try it out to give me some
comments about the design and the navigation (it's only in italian
now, but you have to click on the wine bottle on the top to buy a
wine, the rest is icon based)

Thank You!


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